Now That's Interesting: Milk

Food Words: Milk and Dairy
In their roots, both milk and dairy recall the physical effort it once took to obtain milk and transform it by hand. Milk comes from an Indo-European root that meant both "milk" and "to rub off," the connection perhaps being the stroking necessary to squeeze milk from the teat. In medieval times, dairy was original dey-ery, meaning the room in which the dey, or woman servant, made milk into butter and cheese. Dey in turn came from a root meaning "to knead bread" (lady shares this root) — perhaps a reflection not only of the servant's several duties, but also of the kneading required to squeeze buttermilk out of butter and sometimes the whey out of cheese.
One of my favorite desserts made with milk is Chocolate Pudding (and I so do not mean the kind out of the box). Give this a try and see if it doesn't take you back to your childhood.


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