Now Serving Hot Links

Although I haven't been doing diddley on this poor blog, luckily others have been more interesting and prolific. Here are some of my favorite bits from around the blogosphere of cooking.
  • In the Kitchen with Bella: Dom talks about cooking with canned Indian sauces and Melanie gives her mother's Beef Stroganoff recipe.
  • Not only did Pim cook french fries in horse fat but in answer to many questions she sought out Harold McGee for expert advice. A fascinating article.
  • Rum and ginger beer ... mmmmm. Darwin Catholic has the recipe and a little talk about rum to go with it.
  • Rambling Spoon shares an email from a Lithuanian reader about On Food and Liberty.
  • The ghost of an English soldier in a northern Indian village bothers people for a nice cuppa tea and a few biscuits.
  • Phnomenon sets us straight about Cambodian food in Why Travellers Dislike Khmer Food
  • No, not Penzey's. The other venerable spice institution ... Pendery's (free registration required).


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